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Have You Got Holes In Your Pockets?

How much money have you walked by in the last twenty years?

To answer that question, Brian Hershburg took on an unusual experiment:  he spent 20 years saving each coin he found on the street.

The result?

$971.65 in coins and paper currency amassed in peripheral batches. (full article here)

Considering his method of passively saving, one might be convinced of the profitability of setting money aside, even just a very, very little at a time. 

To further emphasize this, in 2014, TSA reported a forgotten coin count of $675,000, and in 2016, Coventa Holding Corp estimated that Americans accidentally dispose of $62 million in change.

These stories relate ONE striking takeaway:  accumulation can be powerful.

If you don’t feel like scouting the avenues for spare change, there are other clever way to save poco a poco.

For example:

  1. Automate your savings.
  2. Find an independent insurance agency. They do not have loyalty to a single company and can find you the best insurance options for you. Find out why you want an independent insurance agency, like us (hey oh!), in this article by Dave Ramsey’s team.
  3. Plan your meals BEFORE going to the grocery store. (Putting this one into effect in my own life to avoid overestimating my need for Oreos and onions)
  4. Pack your lunch — buying a $7.50 lunch just twice a week costs you an unnecessary $800 a year.
  5. Take full advantage of your company’s 401k match program. It is free money, folks!
  6. Start investing in a ROTH IRA today for tax-free retirement
  7. Opt for the matinee instead of the Friday night movie.
  8. Pay for everything in cash. Save the change and fill a jar with all the coins you get back.

Are holes in your pockets costing you the chance to pursue opportunity and prepare for your future? Let us patch one hole in your pocket.

Alta Vista Insurance Agency helps people like you succeed in your favorite pursuits by providing you with the best valued insurance policies, tailored directly to your needs.

Take heed of the positive power of accumulation. Let us help you find where we could save you cash and coin today.

Call or email us now! 1-888-724-2124;


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7th Annual Oceanside Pacific Kiwanis Beach Fun Day 2014

This is a video complied of great moments that took place during the 7th Annual “Beach Fun Day” at the Oceanside Harbor. The Kiwanis Club of Oceanside serves the community of Oceanside, California. We are a group of dedicated individuals who strive to improve our community and help the children of the world through fund raising events and volunteer work for various charitable organizations.

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